Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sumthin Sunday Wk 17- Is he moving?

Heres another photo going towards an assignment for commercial photo. We are suppose to use gels and a longer exposure to get a photo. I've been thinking of this for a few days now and finally shot it. I used a bulb exposure with a remote. Triggered my flashes with my pocketwizards then ran behind the frame with christmas lights to make a streak. I used an orange gel on a flash behind the rider to simulate a street light glow on the inside of his helmet and I used a green gel pointed right at him at an angle just enought to catch it on the helmet and bike. This gel is to simulate a green traffic light. Then I used another flash shooting through white sheets to soften it and light the front of the bike. It was a fun and chaotic shoot to say the least. Im going to take a few more photos for this assignment just to broaden my portfolio.

Happy Easter Everyone!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sumthin Sunday Wk 16- Commercial Photo

I just started a new class at school called Commercial Photography. I'm really stoked about this class. It's more of the type of photography I want to get in to so I can make that money. We get to play with dyna-lite strobes in class every week. These strobes are super dynamic with all kinds of different power variable and lighting tools, i.e. soft boxes, grids, dishes. I've had experience with this kind of equipment before through assisting other photographers but it is always a new experience every time they are used. After I buy a few more lenses this summer my next investment will be on a pack of nice strobes for sure. Here are a few rough samples of my first week shooting with strobes.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sumthin Sunday Wk 15- Road Gap gone wrong!

I'm sure everyone saw the photo of Brad jumping over the road in an earlier post. Well, Brad went to do it again and it just didn't work out right. The jump washed his legs out cuz of the lip. Here's the sequence:

After he hit I immediately put my camera down and rushed to him. I took off his board while alex lifted his arms up to help him breath. Brad started choking on some spit, we all though it was blood until it actually came up. there was a serious worry about internal injuries because he hit this snowbank right on his left side right in the gut. I rushed him to the ER. Luckily after some tests we found out nothing was broken or damgaed. Just some muscle tears and bruised ribs. He is seriously super lucky. If he would've landed straight on his back, he would've been paralyzed.

Moral of the story, don't come up short on road gaps.

Brad is recovering well and will be back on the board next week.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Birds, rails, and water

Entered this photo in the Spring Contest for Transworld.

Rider:Alex Fitzgerald

Here's another photo contest I got chose for.
GO TO and vote in the photo battle!!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sumthin Sunday Wk 14- A little Urban for ya

This last week was really fun. My pelvis is feeling good and I have been able to get out and shoot a little more. I recently just met a few people down to get down on the urban shit. I was able to shoot a road gap and another deck gap.

Here are the photos:

Rider Levi Chaffin throwin down the shifty before moving on to the flips and spins.

Brad Sorensen sends his carcass over this big road gap in South Lake. We're definately re-shooting this feature real, real soon.

I was super stoked on the riders I met this week, it's just too bad we have to hurry before all the snow melts. There's always next season, but of course I can't forget about our May and June Donnor pass jumps.

Can't Wait!