So yesterday, during an epic pow day, on my third run right before I had to go to work, I broke my pelvis. We had just gotten about 18 inches and I wanted to do some runs before I had to go to work at 10:30. So Joe, Dave, and I went up to Heavenly at 8:30 and started raging the trees skiers right of "the face". We traversed further this time with the intention of riding down to Keller road then traverse to the tram. The only problem was this part of the mountain was a little more of a west face so it got more sun throughout the day. The coverage was not as trustworthy and I noticed this. I took gentle turns through the whole run and watched for imperfections in the snow. We got about 100 yds from the bottom in some tighter trees and I was going a decent speed. As soon as I took a toe edge turn in an open spot I hit a small log on top of the snow. This caused my edge to slip out from under me. I tried to save it as I saw myself getting closer to the tree. At the last second I realized I was going to hit this tree with a giant force so I braced myself with my shoulder and forearm to protect my ribs. I hit the tree with the nose of my snowboard and then flew directly into it on my left side from my shoulder down to my knee. I'm very lucky I didn't hit my head, I'd have to say that my ability to see it coming saved me from head trauma.
Right when I hit I screamed bloody murder because I didn't see Joe or Dave. Luckily Joe was a little behind me and came up on my injured carcass right after impact. Dave rode down and got ski patrol while Joe carted my ass down out of the trees about 60 feet so ski patrol could get to me easier.
I want to thank Dave and Joe for all the help. If I would've been out there by myself it would have been a worse situation. Luckily my break is not that bad. I just need to rest for a couple weeks and keep a little movement going so that I don't tighten up too much. 6 weeks til I'm completely secure and ready to strap back in. Hopefully the Heav extends the season past April 24 so I can ride some groomers. Otherwise, I'll still be shooting some urban shots so don't worry, Sumthin Sunday is not going anywhere.
Thanks for all the get well wishes. My positive thinking and drive to get off this couch will help speed the healing process.
The break, the poop hahaha