My New Years Resolution is to practice better photo etiquette. I am going to carry my camera everywhere with me, allow myself enough time to get places so I can stop for a picture if I may need to, and try to promote myself and my art as much as possible.
First start to my promotion will be a new photo, one nobody has seen yet, added to this blog once a week, particularly on Sundays. The photo could be new, could be old, but you haven't seen it on facebook or on the internet.
I've decided to call the new posts "Sumthin Sundays." I couldn't think of anything that had to do with photography that rhymed with Sunday. So as I was thinking I found my self saying..."suuuuumthin suuunday, suuuuumthin suunday." So that's it...Sumthin Sunday it is.
My first photo of 2011 is going to be a self portrait. It's titled "Man's Best Friend, Dog's Worst Enemy." I got the idea because me and my dog, Rusty, love each other so much that when we play it can look kinda nasty. He actually got really mad while trying to take the photos because I did this like 15 times, so I had to give him a bunch of treats. I originally wanted to put a 3 photo series together of me beating him in tug of war then him sulking, but he beat my ass! My teeth are not as strong as a dogs.

I took this photo while I was in Houston, Texas visiting my family. NO! WE ARE NOT FROM TEXAS! (no offense) We are from Illinois. My family just moved there because that's where destiny has taken them. I actually kind of like it there, except for the humidity! I think I'll stay in the mountains.
Thanks for viewing and check back every Sunday!
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