Look Closely and you will understand the title of the photo and how lucky I was to capture this shot at this moment.

"Dust of the Demon" - 2010
A Little History Behind the Photo- One day, the greatest DJ in Reno made a special trip up to South Lake so that I could take a few portraits of him. I borrowed 3 hot lights from school and also had 2 speed lights. We took some indoor shots with white and black backdrops and such. But I had been sitting on this idea using flour, the hot lights, and some gels. It was a good idea but I need to do some adjustments with flour output and stronger, more reliable hot lights. Anyway, my assistant, Chris, was having a little too much fun with the flour. He constantly kept messing with Derek by fake throwing flour at his face. We conducted my experiment, then the fun began. Derek agreed to let Chris chuck a handful of flour at his face, but only ONCE! So I set up all the lights, and of course was a little late on the first one. Derek was stoked and allowed one more. Long Story short, Derek got hit like 4 times and this was the 3rd. Chyea! Props to Derek for the sacrifice! I like how the flour forms around his head. It kind of shows a laughing demon or scary entity type of thing. Gave me the chills. I originally wanted to shoot it like 1/100 of a second sooner right at the point of impact but this is probably cooler.
Thanks for reading and come back next Sunday for a classic!
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