When we arrived we met up with Shannon, or Shay for short. Shay is awesome. She runs a site called shayboarder.com (sorry it won't let me post a link) which is what I was there taking photos for. Check it out! There's all kinds of reviews, pictures, interviews, and other miscellaneous stuff for the mind of a shredder.
Getting ready

Anyways, She needed to write a blog post about the Banshee Bungee, so she chose Claire as the talent, and Claire chose me to photograph.The purpose was to take shots of her using a bungee with an end result. Around noon Shay took us to the spot where we wanted to hike and also gave us a brand new Banshee Bungee to use for whatever we find.
Ya that's a PBR

Half hour hike in and an hour and a beer later we found the feature. It was a little 10 ft long angled tree with gnarly branches. Not anything too crazy but posed a challenged because of its flex. We attached the bungee a couple trees behind the feature. In order to use this thing it took two of us to pull the rubber braided rope back to the rider. Chris then had to support the bungee with his back against the tree while I ran to get into position. Then he hands it off and it is an instant speed burst. After Chris and Claire figured it out they started grinding the feature. About an hour and a half at the feature we got some shots and started the hike back down.
End of the day

It all ended with a trip to the hot tub and beers and snowboard videos, Amen.
I want to thank Shay for all her hospitality and the awesome gift! Also, Chris, hey thanks for driving. We'll definitely be back in Mammoth soon. Oh yeah, don't forget about shayboarder.com and check out her post about the bungee and you can see my photos!